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​Escape Through Meditation - Techniques to calm your body, mind, & soul
Let your worries fade away.

Our lives are full of busy schedules and a constant stream of information to process, leaving most of us feeling highly stressed by the end of the day. With so many things demanding our attention, it makes sense that there has been a major increase in people turning to meditation to clear their minds. 

The Benefits
Meditating can boost our emotional & physical well-being. People who practice meditation as part of their regular routine have reported higher levels of happiness, patience, & compassion. They also show lower levels of stress & frustration, which leads to other benefits like lower blood pressure & increased energy levels. 
You also might notice a deeper sense of clarity in different situations, an increased ability to focus, better sleep and an improved memory. 

Choose Your Style
Meditation isn't one size fits all. There are multiple types of meditation and different techniques that can be used to help achieve the relaxation your body and mind need. 

Guided Meditation: (Sometimes called guided imagery or visualization) - Best for beginners
This form can be led by a teacher or even an app that guides you step-by-step through meditation. Various techniques and other methods can be used including breathing exercises and mindfulness practice. 
Mindfulness Meditation: (Best for the high stressed)
This method emphasizes having an increased awareness of what you are thinking and feeling in the present moment. It is important to not stop any thoughts or emotions that you have. Instead, observe them without judgement and allow them to pass. This can also be referred to as being purposefully aware and can be practiced anywhere and anytime. 
Focused Meditation: (Best for those who want to improve their focus)
In this style, you can use any of your five senses to concentrate on one single thing. This can include listening to a gong, counting your breaths, staring at a candle or counting beads. Though it may sound straightforward, it can be a challenge to keep your focus only on one thing. If you catch your mind wandering off, that's okay; simply bring yourself back to the focus point and continue. 
Movement Meditation: (Best for those who don't like being still)
Yoga may be the most practiced form of movement meditation, but it can also be done when walking, gardening and during other gentle movement activities. This type of meditation helps to form mind and body awareness as you focus on each movement you make. 
Mantra Meditation: (Best for people who don't like complete silence)
In this form of meditation, a simple, calming word or sound like "om" is repeated to help maintain focus. Some people may find this method easier than trying to focus in silence. The vibrations of repeating the mantra can help in creating a positive change and lead to a deep state of meditation. 

Get the most out of your daily meditation escape by sticking with the style that suits you best. 

Making Time:
To feel the full benefits of meditation, it's important to practice daily. Schedule your meditation into your regular routine to help it become a normal part of your life. Most people begin to see the benefits by meditating for at least 10 minutes a day. However, you can start with five minutes and slowly increase the time over the course of a few weeks or even months. Of course, if you feel overwhelmed during the day, you don't have to wait until your schedule time to meditate in order to take a break. Just close your eyes and take a moment for a few deep breaths to quickly refresh anytime!

Excerpt from Essential Living Magazine (Issue 304, pg 6-8)

Surviving to Thriving Guided Meditation: Your 1st Step​

This is the 1st step to shifting your mindset to the one you love whether it be about your career, relationships or yourself. It is foundational for any life transition – peace, joy, love, increased focus, removing stress, making more money, etc. 

For any life transition, this is the place to start.

Before beginning your meditation, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. If sitting; sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor or sit on the floor in an easy crossed leg position (at any time, you can change the position of your legs – crossed or outstretched). Make sure your back is tall and supported. If lying down, remember to stay awake. You can keep your eyes open or closed. If your eyes are open, remember to blink, avoiding drying out your eyes. Breathe consciously and if your mind wonders, say to yourself “Thinking” and return to the present moment and the guided meditation.

Beginning now:
Round 1:
May I be happy, May I be peaceful, May I be free from suffering
May ease come to me, May joy come to me, May abundance come to me,
May I always meet with success.
May I have the wisdom, courage and clear vision to trust each circumstance in my life.
May I embrace that my process is perfect.

Round 2:
May all my family be happy, May they be peaceful, May they be free from suffering
May ease come to them, May joy come to them, May abundance come to them,
May they always meet with success.
May they have the wisdom, courage and clear vision to trust each circumstance in their life.
May they embrace that their process is perfect.
Round 3:
May all my teachers be happy, May they be peaceful, May they be free from suffering
May ease come to them, May joy come to them, May abundance come to them,
May they always meet with success.
May they have the wisdom, courage and clear vision to trust each circumstance in their life.
May they embrace that their process is perfect.
Round 4:
May all my friends be happy, May they be peaceful, May they be free from suffering
May ease come to them, May joy come to them, May abundance come to them,
May they always meet with success.
May they have the wisdom, courage and clear vision to trust each circumstance in their life.
May they embrace that their process is perfect.
Round 5:
May all my enemies be happy, May they be peaceful, May they be free from suffering
May ease come to them, May joy come to them, May abundance come to them,
May they always meet with success.
May they have the wisdom, courage and clear vision to trust each circumstance in their life.
May they embrace that their process is perfect.
Round 6:
May all other beings be happy, May they be peaceful, May they be free from suffering
May ease come to them, May joy come to them, May abundance come to them,
May they always meet with success.
May they have the wisdom, courage and clear vision to trust each circumstance in their life.
May they embrace that their process is perfect.

Sitting quietly for the next few moments. Breathing in and breathing out. Slowly bringing yourself back into the room – take a deep breath, stretch and yawn. When you’re ready; end your meditation, open your eyes and smile.
Blessings to you and to this day.

Feel free to contact me for a complimentary Discovery Session. Together, let’s discover
where you are, where you want to be and what’s standing in your way.
Jeaninne E. Grayson ~ Personal Empowerment & Transition Life Coach
www.suite-success.com ​    505-410-3241     centernow@yahoo.com